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March 21, 2008



Can you believe this Spring? Yes we had about 9-10 inches of snow here too. Totally ridiculous and I'm so ready for Spring to really be here.

Hope you had a great Easter weekend!


I've been enjoying your posts ever since making your hearts garland. I'm seriously looking at some embroidered napkins I got from the thrift store because of you. :-)

I've run into a design dilemma for a quilt I've been working. I was wondering if you or any of your readers wanted to stop over at my only partially craft blog and help me.




oh yuck! I hope it isn't that much. My friend who lives in Madison just returned from a trip out east (her 8yo dd had surgery in Philadelphia, the whole family went) and is now getting ready for the storm.


Oh my gosh, I hope they are wrong! I can't believe you might get that much snow!

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